Hemos recibido varias preguntas sobre cómo leer un texto en inglés. Así que he seleccionado un fragmento de un texto sobre Murcia, escrito por Bryan en su blog sobre European cities que visitó la ciudad hace unos meses. Os pongo el texto también para que podáis leerlo en voz alta y que pilléis la entonación, la musicalidad y el ritmo mientras lo leéis conmigo.
«As the local ‘Square by Square’ guide explains, Murcia, in the region of the same name, ‘is in the southeast of the Iberian peninsular in the valley of the River Segura, sheltered in the foothills of the Carrascoy, Cresta del Gallo and Pia mountain ranges’. We were there for a few hours earlier this year. It has a population of 350,000 according to the Guide – 442,573 if you take Wikipedia’s word for it. The lesser figure is comparable to its nearest neighbouring city, Alicante, from which we travelled by train. Strolling through the city, with its characteristic squares and open streets, there were few people around and it felt almost as if we had the city to ourselves.
Founded in 825 A.D. in a grassy and marshy area but now known as the capital of the ‘Market Garden of Europe’, the city has a reputation of sunshine all the year round which was certainly true on our visit. It was very hot, but that didn’t prevent us from walking about as much as we could – and valuing a cold beer in mid-day. As far as food is concerned we made a bad choice and so we can make no recommendation in that respect. (Apparently the tapas is delicious and very filling!)
In such a short time we can do little but say that we had a delightful experience. We like cities and we liked this one. We must go again.«
También haríais bien poniéndoos la radio inglesa. Aunque no entendáis nada, no es un problema porque lo que si que pillaréis es la entonación, la musicalidad y el ritmo como decía antes.
También es una buena idea ver películas en inglés, pero con subtítulos en inglés también (no en español) para así aprender doblemente escuchando y leyendo.
me encanta tu pronunciacion,estoy aprendiendo la pronunciacion fluida ,y me cuesta,pero con tus concejos m van a servir….muchas gracias desde argentina.
La verdad uno termina leyendo como se lee en español, ¿como leer en ingles sin saberse la pronunciación de las palabras de antemano? osea ¿que reglas hay para leer? yo se por ejemplo que la e al final no se pronuncia. por que? ¿es que a alguien le dio por ponerla?, o ¿es parte de una regla para indicar que sonido hece la vocal anterior?
Lo malo (o lo bueno) del inglés, es que no existe una Real Academia Inglesa (al contrario que con la española). Es decir, las palabras evolucionan y se crean y nadie puede decirte que esa palabra no existe, o que está mal siempre y cuando tenga sentido (por ejemplo "zapa-voladora").
El mismo William Shakespeare escribía su nombre de mil maneras distintas para pronunciarlas todas de la misma manera.
En cuanto a pronunciar correctamente, lo que hace que lo hagas bien es la práctica. Si no sabes por donde empezar, prueba a ponerte peliculas que ya hayas visto, en ingles y con subitulos en ingles, de ese modo estaras escuchando la fonetica a la vez que lees lo que dicen.
Por último, lo más importante, es que te quites del cuerpo esa inseguridad que a veces la gente siente a la hora de hablar un idioma que no controla por miedo a equivcarse. Las equivocaciones nos lo que nos hace aprender asiq equivocaros todo lo que podais y más! Animo!
yo quiero pronunciar esto;
I was left to my own devices
Many days fell away with nothing to show
And the walls kept tumbling down
In the city that we love
Great clouds roll over the hills
Bringing darkness from above
But if you close your eyes
Does it almost feel like nothing changed at all?
And if you close your eyes
Does it almost feel like you've been here before?
How am I gonna be an optimist about this?
How am I gonna be an optimist about this?
We were caught up and lost in all of our vices
In your pose as the dust settles all around us
And the walls kept tumbling down
In the city that we love
Great clouds roll over the hills
Bringing darkness from above
But if you close your eyes
Does it almost feel like nothing changed at all?
And if you close your eyes
Does it almost feel like you've been here before?
How am I gonna be an optimist about this?
How am I gonna be an optimist about this?
Oh, where do we begin?
The rubble or our sins
Oh, where do we begin?
The rubble or our sins
And the walls kept tumbling down
In the city that we love
Great clouds roll over the hills
Bringing darkness from above
But if you close your eyes
Does it almost feel like nothing changed at all?
And if you close your eyes
Does it almost feel like you've been here before?
How am I gonna be an optimist about this?
How am I gonna be an optimist about this?
If you close your eyes
Does it almost feel like nothing changed at all?
But Aladdin bravely gets back, and after a confrontation with Jafar tells her that although he is a powerful sorcerer, the Genie is more powerful than him, so Jafar wishes to be the most powerful genius in the universe, but as a result, he is locked in his own lamp.
buenas noches: sinceramente tengo un trabajo deingles y necesito saber pronunciar este texto, gracias de ante mano a quien me pueda ayudar con la pronunciacion.
Thanksgiving or Thanksgiving Day is a family and own festival in the United States of America in the year 1941 President Theodore Roosevelt declared that Thanksgiving Day is celebrated annually on the fourth Thursday of November which lasted until the day Sunday.
We can say that is one of the most popular and important celebrations of the United States to mark the start of the Christmas shopping season, this holiday whole families gather to give thanks for the blessings of God.
The second day (Friday) is called Black Friday, where there are discounts in shops, in preparation for the days of holiday gifts approaching.
Among the main food consumed in the family banquets this turkey stuffing (stuffed turkey), mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, glazed carrots and bagels as typical dessert accompaniment and pumpkin pie.
In 1620 the pilgrims traveled from England to America on the Mayflower and landed at Plymouth. Escaping the constraints of the Church of England and also of poverty. Could be considered the first immigrants to America.
Native Indians of Massachusetts received them amicably and shared their knowledge pilgrims on this earth crops and taught them to hunt and cure meat of animals in the area.
To celebrate they had survived a tough winter and had a bountiful harvest that would help them face the next, the Pilgrims held a great dinner. They invited the native Indians to thank your help. The first Thanksgiving celebration lasted several days, both the Indians and the Pilgrims shared food, drink and fun.
Today is a day of thanksgiving for the harvest and for all that you have in life.
yo kiero pronunciar esto
The external audit in the Ecuador external audit in the Ecuador is established obligatory way by the "Superintendency of companies" for those companies that exceed US$ 1,000,000 dollars in the total assets of the previous financial year. It is important to mention that external audit within the administration of enterprises is an important support mainly to finance them. Therefore the external audit requires knowing the internal procedures established in each of the departments in order to evaluate whether internal control meets the appropriate channels; and if they are properly designed to safeguard the assets of the companies. Due to the process of globalization in which the Ecuador is immersed and this situation has effect either directly and indirectly within the economy of the country. It is important that the external auditor to assess all factors that could affect a company in development and consequently the financial statements presented at the close of a fiscal year.
My name is MARIA DEL CONSUELO GONZALEZ MENDEZ, I have 22 years old, my birthday is on 2 February, I'm Mexican, I am studying industrial engineering in UNIDEG and today I'm fine.
I like listening to pop music, I like going to the movies. My favorite color is purple, my favorite food is pizza and my favorite artist is Alejandro Fernandez.
In my spare time I play soccer and practice guitar.
Today is Sunday, November 22, I'm fine good. My family consists of 7 members my father Felipe he is 54 years old he is vigilant, my mother Mary is 52 and is a housewife, my brother Sergio has 30 years is the industrial worker, my brother Felipe is 28 years old is the watchful, my sister Juliana she is a housewife she is 27 years old and my brother Angel high school student, he is 17 years old.
hi! maria I give you an advice. when you write or say your age you can´t use ´have´ because it´s incorrect you must use ´to be´ for example my name is juliana and I am 14 years old In english you use the verb ´have´ to say : I have a dog (for example) you can ´have´a dog but no the age I hope help you!
hola yo soy muy buena en la pronunciación del ingles lo manejo mucho y puedo leer textos pero a veces se me dificulta leerlo muy rápido que me recomiendas como puedo practicar para poder hacerlo con mas soltura y rapidez??
ayudenme a traducir y pronunciar esto en ingles
Saludo cordial tutor y compañeros
Mi nombre es jacquelin ramirez gracia, tengo veintinueveaños, del programa administracion de empresas, vivo en valledupar, y me dedico a mis estudios actualmente,en la fotografia que he socializado al foro, tuve una experiencia genial ya que fue en Bucaramanga en un receso de un diplomado que realice en esa ciudad en octubre de dosmil doce y estaba con mis compañeras, a la ves que compartiamos entre compañeras y amigas aprendi mucho de este congreso que estuvo a cargo la universidad, llenandonos de conocimeintos sobre los distintos proyectos que en ese entonce se ivan a realizar en esta ciudad y lo importante que significaba laprospectiva en ese entonces como a traves del tiempo. fue un auditorio especial y bueno en ese parque tuve la oportunidad de dejar plasmado ese recuerdo que me lleno de una gran experiencia y aprendizaje.