Hola soy Dani Gil Rippin. Si quieres déjame un comentario con lo que te interesa aprender sobre pronunciación.
1. Soy bilingüe de nacimiento (mi madre y toda mi familia materna es inglesa y viven en el Reino Unido). Habiéndome criado en España, comprendo lo que a un hispano o latino le puede costar pronunciar algo en inglés, así que os ayudaré en lo que pueda encantado.
2. Me gusta la música de todo tipo y de hecho escribo y rapeo en inglés (aquí os dejo un link por si queréis escuchar algo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vfk17H5LbGs). También me gustan mucho los juegos de ordenador, en concreto, League of Legends.
3. Me encanta hacer todo tipo de deportes, especialmente el baloncesto (deporte que practico desde hace muchos años). En cuanto a ver los deportes, el único deporte que verdaderamente sigo es el de la NBA.
4. Vivo al lado del mar y me gusta ir al trabajo y desplazarme en general en bici o patines.
5. Me gusta mucho viajar a Inglaterra a visitar a mi familia y amigos. También solía ir todos los años a un campamento de deportes de donde tengo muy buenos recuerdos.
6. Me encanta Canadá. Tuve la suerte de trabajar una temporada en New Found Land (Terranova), en un criadero de perros de Terranova que, a su vez, era también una especie de hotel para todo tipo de perros. Ahí me encargaba de lavar a los perros, de pasearlos, de darles de comer, recoger las cacas… Una experiencia increíble!
7. Estudie en la Escuela Europea de Alicante donde pude profundizar y mejorar tanto mi vocabulario como mi escritura del inglés.
8. Me gusta mucho dibujar, y de tanto hacerlo, con el tiempo me he ido haciendo mejor. Hace tiempo empece un blog de dibujo, solo que ahora mismo lo tengo un poco abandonado (aquí podéis ver los videos de Cómo dibujar).
9. Me encanta sentirme bien. 🙂
10. Disfruto muchísimo ayudando a mi abuelo con las labores agrícolas de su pequeña parcela en Bath (Inglaterra) y seguro que en un futuro yo también tendré mi propia parcelita :-).
tu blog me ha salvado la vida, llevo 1 mes viviendo en Irlanda, y que pongas las pronunciaciones al lado es lo mejor!! muchas gracias
is very good your webside man, becouse this page help me, and I need many pronunciations in this lenguage,
thank you very much daniel gil.
me puedes ayudar con la pronunciación de esta canción porfiador
We stand in awe
Of your unfailing
Love, that has
Covered us
We stand amazed at
Your unending grace
We cannot replay
Jesus ,wonder of
The world, how
We love you
Savior, son of
God be magnified,
Our hearts bowed
Low, in your
Presence lord,
We are overcome
Our hands held
High, to declare
Your word
Your magnificence
Jesus,wonder of
The world, how
We love you
Savior, son of
God be magnified,
Be magnified,
The heavens can’t contain
Your great love
Your great love
All the earth will
Rise to say “You’re the
One, You’re the One”
Every hear and ever soul will
Declare, will declare
Jesus magnified
The heavens can’t contain
Your great love
Your great love
All the earth will
Rise to say “You’re the
One, You’re the One”
Every hear and ever soul will
Declare, will declare
\Jesus magnified//
Jesus, wonder of
The world, how
We love you…
Savior, son of
God be magnified,
Jesus, wonder of
The world, how
We love you…
Savior, son of
God be magnified,
\Be magnified magnified//
Hola, un super Favor , me podrias ayudar en la pronunciación de esta canción.
Open the Eyes of My Heart
Open the eyes of my heart Lord
open the eyes of my heart
I want to see you
I want to see you
To see you high and lifted up
shining in the light of your glory
pour out your power and love
as we sing:
Holy, Holy, holy
// Holy, Holy, Holy
Holy, Holy, Holy
Holy, Holy, Holy
I want to see you //
espero pronto tu Ayuda.
Atte. Victor Yana
hola ayudame con la pronunciacion de esta cancion
Open the Eyes of My Heart
Open the eyes of my heart Lord
open the eyes of my heart
I want to see you
I want to see you
To see you high and lifted up
shining in the light of your glory
pour out your power and love
as we sing:
Holy, Holy, holy
// Holy, Holy, Holy
Holy, Holy, Holy
Holy, Holy, Holy
I want to see you //
de antemano gracias por tu ayuda . OK
oupen de ais of mai jart
oupen de ais of mai jart lor
oupen de ais of mai jart
ai uont tu si iu (2)
tu si iu jai aend leiftiudo
chanin in de laigrof iur glori
Primero decirte que me está ayudando mucho tu página, el sábado viajo a Irlanda y estoy preparándome muchas cosas gracias a tu ayuda 😉
Lo siguiente que quería decirte es….: JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJA
¿Por qué?
Pues mira, no he parado de reirme con tu 6º puesto de cosas sobre ti, tengo un terranova, son animales preciosisisisimos, que me lo digan a mi con mi Byron 🙂 pero lo último que as puesto eso de, "recoger las cacas" y justo después "Una experiencia increíble!" me ha encantado, no he parado de reir…jejeje
De nuevo, muchas gracias.
Yara 😉
puede tu hacer videollamadas pues te comento que por superacion me gusta y me interesa mucho el idioma ingles y en mi pais los cursos son muy caros y casi no te dan la practica, o si conoces aalguien que me puedea ayudar, ps soy ama de casa de los fines de semana trabajo, te lo agradeceria mucho….
Hola daniel me gustaria aprender hablar ingles muy bien gracias por todo esto. y me gusrtaria que me ayudaras en la pronunciacion de las partes del cuerpo. gracis HECTOR.
por favor la pronunciacion.
a thief in the city of medellin had the frightened city with their actions, the police and had him in sight and when I went to capture her mother stepped in and not let them take him away saying he did it for the welfare of his family.
• List the reasons why you would not try to help.
. no it would help if I did to get money for drugs
. would help not hurt if there were any human being
. would help if you do not know their history
• List the reasons why it would help.
. it would help if my family
. it would help at a time that is at risk his life for other people and then gave it to the police
. it would help because it is a human being and any mistake
One. Is there any evidence that Hitler knew of a mass extermination of Jews?
Two. What proof exists that the Nazis practiced genocide or deliberately killed the Jews?
Three. How many Jews emigrated prior to the war, thus being out of reach of the Germans?
four. How many Jews had before the war in the territories which later came to be controlled by the Germans?
five. How could the murder of Jews, from a human point of view?
Hola amigo quisiera que me ayudaras con este trabajo es un dialogo por fa si.
chris: Do you often take this bus to town?
lisa: Yes, I do. I use it every day to get to work.
chris: What's your job?
lisa: I'm teacher. I work for a language school. I teach English to people from all over the world.
chris: Sounds like fun! Where do your students come from?
lisa: They come from China, Japan, France, Spain, Mexico… a lot of different countries.
chris: Are they young?
lisa: No, they aren't. They are adults.
chris: Do you teach any other laguages?
lisa: No, I don't. I speak some French but I'm not very good. What do you do?
chris: Is work as an actor?
lisa: Sounds interesting! Do you always go to work by bus?
chris: No, I don't. I usually drive but my car is in the garage today.+
lisa: And what's your name?
chris: I'm Chris, and you?
lisa: I'm Lisa. pleased to meet you!
chris: Pleased to meet you, too. So, do you like your job?
lisa: Yes, I do. I love meeting different people from different countries.
chris: And do they learn English quickly?
lisa: Yes, they do. Well… not all of them. Chris, the bus is here and I need to get to work.
chris: Okay, See you soon!
lisa: Goodbye!
respondeme lo mas pronto amigo grcias
lo que puedo decirte es que ayudas mucho con la pronunciación, que es lo principal, y otra cosa es que eres un hmbre muy atractivo, me gustas y mucho, no sé si seas casado o tengas novia, pero me pareces un chico muy interesante. saludos desde Perú.
tu pagina es la mejor, es todo lo que yo estaba buscando x3
hola, nesecito la pronunciaacion de este texto: one of the disadvantages of organizational leadership is when the leader has no control over the rewards of the body, or when there is a significant distance between superiors and subordinates, the leader is nullified both its function related to the group and its function of organizing work.
Hola me puedes ayudar con la pronunciacion de esta cancion porfa la necesito con urgencia
Who is like You Lord in all the Earth?
Matchless love and beauty, endless worth
Nothing in this world can satisfy
'Cause Jesus You're the cup that won't run dry
Your presence is heaven to me
Your presence is heaven to me
Treasure of my heart and of my soul
In my weakness you are merciful
Redeemer of my past and present wrongs
Holder of my future days to come
Your presence is heaven to me
Your presence is heaven to me
All my days on Earth I will await
The moment that I see You face to face
Nothing in this world can satisfy
'Cause Jesus You're the cup that won't run dry
Your presence is heaven to me
Your presence is heaven to me
Oh Jesus, Oh Jesus
Your presence is heaven to me
Oh Jesus, Oh Jesus
Your presence is heaven to me
La Quiero Tambien
pueden ayudarme a pronunciar bien este texo::
: once upon a time,uncle rabbit was very hungry when he saw a dog eating some cheese. he asked him: what are you eating? the dog was very proud and opening his mouth widely he replied:cheese! unfortunately, the cheese fell to the ground and uncle rabbit took it and ran away. some days passed by, and uncle rabbit found some cheese too. the dog realized that and decided to take revenge
Hola, gracias por tu ayuda y por tu tiempo en esto 🙂
hola, me podrias ayudar a pronunciar este texto?
Before the Industrial Revolution began in England around the year 1760 the way most people lived in Europe and America was very different from how they live today. 9 out of 10 people lived in rural areas there was a large mostly poor lower class, a small rich upper class and not much of a middle class.
Rural people raised most of their food at small farms and they didn´t have to leave home each day to work at their jobs. Back then there were no electric lights no movies, no telephones, no recorded music and no cars. Ordinary people used their hands to make most of the things they needed; they had no reason to own a clock since their lives weretuned to the rising and setting of the sun.
The world was pretty quiet before the industrial revolution, because there were* no machines for rapid transportation to fill the air with noise, without these devices people didn´t travel much, consequently, except for their own villages the knew very little about the world in which they lived, the pace of life was much slower before the industrial revolution because people had to walk or use horses for to move from place to place. There was* no public education so few people could* read or write and due to the poor nutrition and living conditions, they didn´t live nearly as long as people do today.
Que guapo eres
hola dani me podrias ayudar con la proninciacion de este texto? gracias
About Sir Isaac Newton’s Life
• He was born at Wools Thorpe near Grantham, Lincolnshire in England.
• His family was very poor he worked on a farm.
• His dad died three months before he was born.
Newton's Impact on Math
• He created the three laws of motion as well as calculus.
• He also used prisms to show that the Ancient Greeks theory was wrong about the sunlight.
Newton’s Discoveries
• He discovered that sunlight is a mixture of light with all of the colors of a rainbow.
Discoveries Led to Creations
• The study of light led to improvement in the construction of telescopes. In the new construction, he used a reflection mirror instead of a combination lens.
He died on March 20, 1727 at the age of 84.
• Although his findings were not recognized until after his death, he is now well respected.
Nunca postó mi comentario ?☹?
Me Podias Ayudar Apronunciar esta cancion
Who is like You Lord in all the Earth?
Matchless love and beauty, endless worth
Nothing in this world can satisfy
'Cause Jesus You're the cup that won't run dry
Your presence is heaven to me
Your presence is heaven to me
Treasure of my heart and of my soul
In my weakness you are merciful
Redeemer of my past and present wrongs
Holder of my future days to come
Your presence is heaven to me
Your presence is heaven to me
All my days on Earth I will await
The moment that I see You face to face
Nothing in this world can satisfy
'Cause Jesus You're the cup that won't run dry
Your presence is heaven to me
Your presence is heaven to me
Oh Jesus, Oh Jesus
Your presence is heaven to me
Oh Jesus, Oh Jesus
Your presence is heaven to me
Ayudame por favor con la pronunciacion de esto.
I like to visit rivers. Such as Lean river located in Atlantida. That river runs near the property where mommy. On the other side you can see many trees and animals. For me it´s exciting and fun to rivers. When Ido I go with friends and family. We carry food, refreshents, towels, soccer ball and phones to take pictures. You can enjoy the outdoors and all nature. We relax and let the worries for a while. Between the river and the property is the road. Next to the property there is a cemetery. For many it´s chilling for me it´s normal not to you.
bueno dejame que tediga el ingles es temeroso y dificil, pero es bonito me gustaria, estar mas en contacto con tigo, dime tienes algun correo, me llamo enriqueta. buscame en fesbuc
me encantas!! tu blog es de mucha ayuda
me encantaS!!!
No se de ingles…. pero tu estas muy guapo *-*
como se dicece hi ,i`m Jadhira Whst`s Your name ^como se pronuncia
hola!!… me podrias ayudar con la pronunciacion de esto:
once upon a time, uncle rabbit was very hungry when he saw a dog eating some cheese. He asked him: what are you eating? the dog was very proud and opening his mouth widely he replied: cheese! unfortunately, the cheese fell to the ground and uncle rabbit took it and ran away.
some days passed by, and uncle rabbit found some cheese too. the dog realized that and decidedto take revenge. Imitating uncle rabbit, he asked him: what are you eating? but uncle rabbit was very astute and pressed the cheese with his teeth and replied, exaggeranting the vowel sound: cheese, cheese. So, the cheese did not fall down.