La Paloma Restaurant in Madrid

This restaurant is located in the Salamanca neighbourhood. Segundo Alonso is the co-owner and head of the kitchen. The restaurant is originally decorated with different tables and different styles.

Segundo Alonso selects only the best ingredients for his dishes which are based on Basque-French cuisine. You can have delicious dishes such as prawn rolls with soya sauce or a typical cod al pil pil. Also recommended are the tripe dishes.

Good service and wine list. Half portions available on request.

Segundo Alonso has another restaurant called La Torcaz in la Calle Lagasca, 81 also in the Salamanca neighbourhood.



Address, map in google and telephone number

Jorge Juan, 39. (Madrid). Tel: 915 768 692.


Segundo Alonso

Recommended dishes

Sopa de torcaz con lentejas y ravioli de col. Erizos de mar gratinados con huevos de codorniz. Merluza al caldo corto con tirabeques, con vinagreta templada de remolacha y mejillones. Lomo de vaca a la parrilla con tuétano y sal gorda con salsa de vino tinto y chalotas. Paloma asada flambeada al brandy sobre guiso de hongos. Manitas de cerdo con salsa de trufa. Tarta fina de hojaldre y manzana. Dátiles rellenos de chantilly. Mousse de almendras. Menú degustación.

Further information

Closed Sundays, bank holidays, Easter week, August and Christmas.

La Paloma's rating in the following gastronomic guides
Michelín Gourmetour Campsa
- star 7.50 1 sol
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