Nicolás Restaurant in Madrid

This restaurant is centrally located near Alcalá and the Paseo Recoletos in the Salamanca neighbourhood. It has a pleasant atmosphere, decorated with drawings by Chillida, Miquel Barceló, Teixidor...Popular for its traditional home cooking.

Juan Antonio Méndez produces excellent stews and fish dishes daily.

There are 2 wine lists - the 'normal' one which contains a large selection of well chosen Spanish wines and the other which has international wines, including some excellent French wines.

The private dining area is magnificent. Reservations necessary.

Address, map in google and telephone number


Villalar, 4. (Madrid). Tel: 914 317 737.


Juan Antonio Méndez

Recommended dishes

Ensalada de gallo. Marinera de mejillones, almejas y berberechos. Potaje de garbanzos con chipirones. Pichón asado. Hojaldre de peras caramelizadas al vino.

Further information

Closed Sundays, Mondays, Easter week and August.

Nicolas Restaurant's rating in the following gastronomic guides
Michelín Gourmetour Campsa
- star 7 - sol
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