Hontoria Restaurant in Madrid

This restaurant is located in Araganzuela, in the South of the city near the Avenida del Manzanares, Paseo de la Chopera, Paseo de las Delicias... It is another popular Basque-Navarran restaurant in Madrid. Mariano Hontoria is head chef , ex-head of kitchen of el Gran Fortuny and other prestigious restaurants in Madrid such as Jockey and Zalacaín.

The expert use of classic techniques, dependability, careful presentation, friendly and professional service together with reasonable prices make this a very attractive restaurant.

There is a set menu for 33.50 euros, excellent meat dishes, especially duck and specialities of the house from stuffed green peppers to lobster with vegetables - all exquisite.


The service is directed by Esther, wife to Mariano Hontoria. It has a very welcoming atmosphere which makes clients feel at home.

It's a good idea to reserve beforehand given the small size of the restaurant.

Mariano Hontoria has another similar restaurant: El Mirador de Hontoria, in Villanueva del Pardillo (see Cómo llegar desde Madrid a Villanueva del Pardillo)

Address, map in google and telephone number
Pl. General Maroto, 2. (frente a Casa de Reloj). Tel: 914 730 425.
Chef: Mariano Hontoria

Recommended dishes

Ensalada de anchoas en salazón y ventresca. Lasagna de hígado de pato fresco y hongos. Pequeños calamares a la plancha y verduras asadas. Faisana asada con oreja de cerdo en salsa. Arroz con leche con costra caramelizada. Sopa fría de peras en salsa de caramelo. Biscuit glacé de chocolate y salsa de frambuesas. Menú degustación.

Further information

Closed Sundays, bank holidays, Monday and Tuesday nights, Easter week and August.

Hontoria Restaurant's rating in the following gastronomic guides
Michelín Gourmetour Campsa
- star 7.25 - sol
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