Combarro Restaurant in Madrid

There are 2 "Combarro" restaurants in Madrid centrally located in Ortega and Gasset and Reina Mercedes, both luxuriously decorated.

Manuel Domínguez has been in charge for over 30 years. In both restaurants only the best products from Galicia are served daily. There is also a live fish tank. This restaurant doesn't only serve seafood and fish it also has excellent meat dishes too. Some people say that the best quality seafood and fish is eaten in Madrid and this restaurant would be a good example.

The restaurant has tried to recover some traditional Galician dishes as well as create new recipes.

Very professional service. Good wine list with some excellent white wines from Galicia.

Address, map in google and telephone number
José Ortega y Gasset, 40 y también en Reina Mercedes, 12. (Madrid). Tel: 915 778 272.
Chef: Manuel Domínguez Limeres - Diego Domínguez

Recommended dishes


Empanadas gallegas "Combarro". Rodaballo salvaje a la gallega. Empanada de perdiz. Lamprea salvaje con patatas a lo pobre. Percebes de la ría. Lubina al horno. Merluza al estilo combarro. Mero al Albariño Valdamor. Callos a la gallega. Filloas al gusto..

Further information

Closed Sunday nights, Easter week and August.

Combarro's rating in the following gastronomic guides
Michelín Gourmetour Campsa
- star 7.50 1 sol
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