Castelló 9 Restaurant

Castelló 9 is located in the neighbourhood called Salamanca, near the Retiro park and the start of Príncipe de Vergara. It was opened in the early 90s when several chefs from the Jockey restaurant (Miguel Ángel Rodríguez, head chef and José Martínez) decided to embark upon a new proposition.

Under their influences this restaurant produces high cuisine using top quality ingredients. The dishes based on classic recipes are both sophisticated and imaginative.

Half rations are recommended for many dishes such as Terrina de foie con gelatina al Oporto, Huevos escalfados, Lomo de lubina al horno con patatas y calabacín. Pato con higos, Perdiz estofada a la española. Ideal for an evening meal - very attractive prices.


Professional service.

The restaurant has run a catering service since 1992

Address, map in google and telephone number
Castelló, 9 (Madrid). Tel: 914 350 067.
Chef: Miguel Ángel Rodríguez

Recommended dishes

Callos, bolitas de foie con trufas al gelee de Oporto, Ragout de bogavante. Creps de boletus y foie-gras. Tartar de lubina con caviar iraní. Pichón estofado al vino tinto. Tarta de manzana. Pastelería. Menú degustación.

Further information

Closed Sundays, bank holidays, Easter week and August.

Castelló 9's rating in the following gastronomic guides
Michelín Gourmetour Campsa
- star 7.50 - sols
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