Cafe de Oriente Restaurant

Café de Oriente restaurant is strategically located in the Oriente square making it an excellent place to enjoy Madrid de los Austrias neighbourhood, el Palacio Real...It has an air of old European cafes about it.

The restaurant is set in the cellars of the former 17th century San Gil convent. In the "salón del Aljibe" you can see part of Madrid's old city wall through the transparent floor of the restaurant. It belongs to the Lezama group.

The menu changes every season although some dishes remain all year round: la Terrina de hígado de pato, el Salteado de gambones con pasta fresca, la Lubina confitada o la Carrillera de ternera.

It has a complete wine list and the dessert wines are worth trying. Gabriel Torres is in charge of the dining room - exceptional service.


Address, map in google and telephone number
Pl. de Oriente, 2. (Madrid). Tel: 915 413 974.
Chef: Roberto del Moral

Recommended dishes

Ensalada de rúcula y canónigos con pechuguitas de codorniz. Vieiras salteadas. Terrina de hígado de pato al natural. Salteado de gambones con pasta fresca. Lubina confitada e aceite de almendras. Carrillera de ternera glaseada con sus mollejas, Pastel de manzana con helado de badiana. Sorbete de manzana. Menú degustación.

Further information

In the café: pinchos, cakes, accompanied by coffee or tea as well as the midday set menu.

Café de Oriente Restaurant's rating in the following gastronomic guides
Michelín Gourmetour Campsa
- star 7.25 - sols
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