Amparo Restaurant

This restaurant is located in one of the most stately neighbourhoods in Madrid, by crossing a private alleyway you could once reach the stables belonging to Marques de Salamanca. It has 3 floors with a wooden structure and a glass roof and is elegant, luxurious, comfortable, intimate and quiet.

The Amparo restaurant is considered to be one of the best in Madrid however it has faced some criticism for its lack of creativity in the kitchen. Ramón Roteta, Carlos Posadas (student to Bras), Arrambide, Iñigo Pérez- Martín Berasategui...have all spent time working here. Today it leads the way in 'New Basque' cuisine.

Impeccable service and an excellent selection of wines, liquers, cigars... Recommended.

Address, map in google and telephone number
Puigcerdá, 8. (Madrid). Tel: 914 316 456.
Chef: Carmen Guasp

Recommended dishes


Ensalada templada de vieiras con lechuga de mar y espuma de alga marina. Foie caliente a la sartén con crujiente de calabaza dulce y salsa perigord. Alubias de Tolosa; Milhojas de manzana ácida con pescado ahumado y foie gras, Cigalas salteadas con raviolis, Lomos de merluza en salsa verde. Rodaballo al horno crujiente con verduritas en salsa de limón verde y jengibre. Bogavante con cristales de gazpacho y crema de pepino.

Further information

Closed Saturdays at midday, Sundays and Easter.

The Amparo Restaurant's rating in the following gastronomic guides
Michelín Gourmetour Campsa
- star 7.50 1 sol
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