Property in Spain | Real estate Spanish-English glossary | Useful Spanish when buying property in Spain

Useful Spanish for buying a house in Spain

Section for people wanting to buy, sell or rent property in Spain.

Our glossary includes some Spanish words which will be useful if you want to buy a house in Spain. Buying property is a serious business, and even if you don't speak Spanish, if you learn the basic concepts you will feel more confident as you go through the procedure of buying your house in Spain.

Some of the Spanish terms here are unfamiliar to people who are starting to learn more about the Spanish system of real estate. For a more detailed definition or complementary information, click on the Spanish word if it is a link.

Try our Spanish pronunciation guide for a totally unscientific but pretty effective description of the pronunciation of the Spanish terms listed below. Check out our emergency phone numbers too.





Spanish term
English term
Abogado Spanish Lawyer (Fees of Spanish lawyers)
Administrador de Fincas Licensed property administrator
Agente de la Propiedad Inmobiliaria (API) Property agent
Depreciation. Redemption.
Arras Down payment, deposit
Aval Guarantee requested by the bank to approve a mortgage application
Bungalow 2 or 3-storey terrace house
Caja de ahorros Savings bank (usually offer good mortgage deals)
Cargas Charges. Burden
Certificado registral Certificate informing about debts of a specific property
Comunidad de propietarios Community of property owners
Contrato de Compraventa Private property sales contract. The buyer pays a 10% deposit and the contract is signed by buyer and vendor.
Documento privado Private document
Documento público Public document
Escritura Deeds
Escritura pública de compraventa Title Deed
Euribor Euro Interbank Offered Rate
Finca Estate
Gestoría Firm specialised in obtaining official authorisations, permits, licences etc
Hipoteca Mortgage
Impuesto sobre Bienes Inmuebles Yearly property tax
Impuesto sobre el Incremento del Valor de los Terrenos Tax on the increase of land value
Inmobiliaria Estate agent
IBI: Impuesto sobre Bienes Inmuebles Annual real estate tax
Impuesto sobre el patrimonio Capital gains tax
Incremento de patrimonio Capital gain
Libre de cargas Free of debts
Libro del edificio Documents which must be handed over by the promoter when building is finished.
Licencia de obra Building permission
N.I.E. Identity Number for Foreigners (see how to get a NIE in the UK)
Notario Notary
Nota simple Certificate from Property Registry
Obra nueva Document certifying a brand new building
Oferta vinculante Bank document certifying the exact mortgage conditions
Pago en efectivo Cash payment
Parcela Plot of land
Piso Flat
Poder Power of attorney
Préstamo con techo Loan with variable interests with fixed minimum and maximum
Préstamo hipotecario Mortgage loan
Capital gains tax on the sale of property
Registro de la Propiedad Property ownership Register
Representante fiscal Official tax representative of foreigner
Residencia (permiso) Residency (permit)
Se vende For sale
Seguro de amortización de préstamos Loan repayment insurance
Seguro Multirriesgo Hogar House insurance
Señal Deposit, down payment
Tasación Independent valuation of property
Terreno Plot of land
Tipo de interés Rate of interest
Título de propiedad Deeds stating the ownership of property, date of sale etc.
Valor Catastral
Assessed value of property for tax purposes

Other useful links
Latest news on the property market in Spain Selection of news articles related to the real estate market here.
Mortgages in Spain, a brief introduction to the Spanish mortgage market, how it works and interest rates in Spain
Spanish banks, before applying for a mortgage, find out more about Spain's most popular banks and Spanish savings banks.
Property taxes in Spain, description of taxes involved in purchasing property and yearly property taxes in Spain.
Useful Spanish vocab for buying a house - you should learn at least the basic terms. Check out our pronunciation guide too.
Renting property in Spain - if you want to buy to rent, then read this section and our free notice board of property to rent in Spain.
Spanish lawyers - information on lawyers fees in Spain for property transactions
Houses for sale in Spain - take a look at the kind of houses available. Or check out our free Spain property for sale board.
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