Guide Spain | Restaurants in Spain | Restaurants Bilbao | Zortziko Restaurant in Bilbao

Zortziko Restaurant in Bilbao

Zortziko is located very near to the Guggenhiem, it has a pleasant atmosphere and elegant decoration. It has 3 dining rooms each decorated in a different style. Today it is considered to be one of the best restaurants in Bilbao.

Daniel García, is one of the best chefs in Vizcaya and García Santos says 'under Daniel García there is a restaurant which has converted the dishes on its menu into masterpieces...'

This restaurant has a very attractive, award winning bodega with an excellent selection of reserves from more that 600 denominations. Prices range from 12 to 3000 euros.

Very good service.

There is another restaurant called El Viejo Zortzi (Licenciado Poza, 54), also under Daniel García, where you can have high quality tapas in a less formal atmosphere.


Address, map in google and telephone number
Alameda de Mazarredo, 17. Bilbao Tel: 944 239 743.
Chef: Daniel García

Recommended dishes

Ostras crocantes sobre migas crujientes a la naranja con puré de patatas especiado y vinagreta de su propia agua. Foie gras servido con pera caramelizada, gelatina de tempranillo y escamas de sal Maldon. Risotto de bacalao con trufas y emulsión de aceite y puerros. Pintada sobre tirabeques con canelón de hinojo y aceite de cítricos. Salmonete con hongos y espárragos al horno y jugo de txakolí emulsionado con aceite de hierbas aromáticas. Carrillera estofada con quenefa de patata asada y setas salteadas. Mousse de cuajada y manzana glaseada con infusión de Riesling y miel. Menú degustación. Menú cata

Further information

Closed Sundays, Monday nights, the second fortnight in August and the first fortnight in September

Zortziko's rating in the following gastronomic guides
Michelín Gourmetour Campsa
1 star 9 2 sol
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