Guide Spain | Restaurants in Spain | Restaurants Bilbao | Gaztañaga Restaurant in Sondikao near Bilbao

Gaztañaga Restaurant in Sondikao near Bilbao

This restaurant is strategically located next to Bilbao's airport in Sondika 7kms from the city centre. It receives a large number of business men and women as well as its regular clientele. The selection of the best ingredients, their elaboration and presentation make this one of the best restaurants in Vizcaya.

Its famous beef steaks are almost unbeatable, the grill is used here for many dishes with excellent results.

Other delicacies on the menu are baby squid with onion sauce and anchovies filled with red pepper in flavoured oil...

Good efficient service.

Address, map in google and telephone number
Txori Herri, 34 (Sondika) A 7 Km de Bilbao. Tel: 944 531 510
Chef: Juan Mari Gaztañaga

Recommended dishes


Anchoas a la plancha con pimientos de piquillo, Lubina a la plancha. Chuleta de buey, Pastel de patas de cerdo, Tostadas. Tartita de manzana.

Further information

Closed Saturdays, Sundays, Easter week and the second fortnight in August.

Gaztañaga's rating in the following gastronomic guides
Michelín Gourmetour Campsa
- star 7.75 - sol
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