Guide Spain | Restaurants in Spain | Restaurants Bilbao | Gaminiz Restaurant in Zamudio near Bilbao

Gaminiz Restaurant in Zamudio near Bilbao

This restaurant is 10kms from Bilbao in Zamudio. Aitor Elícegui, is one of the top chefs for preparing cod dishes in Vizcaya and his restaurant is among the best in Bilbao (he also has a shop).

Returning to his cod dishes García Santos, the restaurant critic, says 'the restaurant's speciality is cod which is prepared in many different ways, from the most traditonal to the most modern, Aitor Elícegui has really made his mark here'.

However, this restaurant has much more to offer than cod dishes, its modern forward thinking philosophy towards cuisine means that innovation and creativity are of utmost importance.

Its cuisine may sometimes be daring and take risks but with such expertise behind it the results are always excellent.

Impeccable service.


Address, map in google and telephone number
Caserío Gaminiz, Parque Tecnológico, 212. (Zamudio) A 10 km de Bilbao. Tel: 944 317 025.
Chef: Aitor Elícegui

Recommended dishes

Chipirones con carbonara de macadamia y hongos. Bacalao a 40º con caldo de almendras y ostras. Cochinillo crujiente con polvo de mostaza y garbanzos. Cristal de frutos rojos. Menú. Menú degustación.

Further information

Closed Sundays, Easter week, three weeks in August and a bank holiday in December (puente de la Inmaculada).

Gaminiz's rating in the following gastronomic guides
Michelín Gourmetour Campsa
- star 8.75 2 sols
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