Weather forecast in Spain during Easter holiday

Rain forecast for Northern Spain during Easter week and unstable weather forecast for the rest of Spain

Unstable weather conditions that are affecting nearly the whole of Spain today will be worse in northern regions and will remain the same over the next few days.

According to the weather forecast for the whole of Easter week by the State Meteorological Agency (Aemet) unstable weather conditions will affect all of the eastern half of Spain especially Cantabria, Guipuzcoa, Navarra, Huesca and Zaragoza – the rain will be at its most intense in the northeast.

The forecast for the Balearic Islands for the Easter period is for moderate showers.
As from Tuesday onwards Aemet has predicted that weather conditions will improve and temperatures will rise except in Galicia and the western and north-eastern part of Cantabria where it will remain cloudy and rainy.

From Thursday onwards temperatures will continue rising moderately in the whole of Spain except in north-eastern parts of the Peninsula and Cantabria where bad weather will continue with light showers, falling temperatures and moderate to strong winds from the west.

On Sunday unstable weather conditions will spread throughout the whole of northern Spain and to the Balearic Islands where there could still be some showers accompanied by further drops in temperatures throughout the whole of Spain.

Aemet has forecast that the weather will improve from Monday onwards in all parts of Spain with rising temperatures.

Weather conditions in the Canary Islands will be cloudy in the north of the islands and sunny in the south throughout the whole of Easter week.

Related: Easter week in Spain

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