Monday, February 12, 2007

Independence of Judicial system in Spain

77% of Spanish citizens believe that the Spanish justice system is influenced by politics

According to the results of the latest Pulsómetro survey published today by Spain's leading radio station, Cadena Ser, 77% of those questioned do not believe that the Spanish justice system is independent from political influence. Those questioned think the latest example is the challenge to the right of Supreme Court judge Pérez Tremps to participate in the Supreme Court's debate on the constitutionality of the proposed Catalan constitution. Participants in the survey blame both the PP and PSOE in equal measure for trying to manipulate the Justice system in their favour.

According to the results of the survey, two out of three people questioned were in favour of the decision not to free the ETA prisoner Iñaki De Juana Chaos despite his failing health due to his hunger strike. Most people questioned also supported a policy of force feeding him.

When asked about voting intentions PSOE came out in the lead with 43% of votes while the main opposition party in Spain, the PP, got 5 points less at 38% of votes.
With regards to the popularity of the main political leaders in Spain José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, President of Spain and leader of PSOE, obtained 51% support and Rajoy, Leader of the PP, received just 30%.

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posted by Euroresidentes at 12:16 PM



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