Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Spanish banks affected by hackers

People who receive and send emails are used to receiving fraudulent emails claiming to be from a financial institution asking for personal information regarding bank accounts.

In January hacking into banks and building societies in Spain resulted in fraud totalling 9 million euros according to the Spanish ‘Asociación de Internautas’. Banesto, Santander and La Caixa suffered the most attacks from hackers.

Víctor Domingo the president of the ‘Asociación de Internautas’ said that other institutions such as the National Statistics Institute were also under attack, something which hasn’t happened before.

It is believed that the hackers who carry out these attacks come from European countries such as Rumania or Bulgaria which makes it almost impossible to prosecute the perpetrators.

Spanish banks
Spanish savings banks

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posted by Euroresidentes at 12:01 PM



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