Spain’s Government announces new Scientific Digital Library

Today the Spanish Minister for Education announced the creation of a new digital library to provide the academic community in Spain with immediate access to scientific articles and books. According to the government, the new digital collection will be the largest scientific library in Spain and will provide Spain’s 150,000 researchers with access to the knowledge they require for their experiments and study.

This new digital collection will be called the Biblioteca Electrónica de Ciencia y Tecnología (Electronic Library of Science and Technology) and it is expected to cost about 80 million euros. According to the Education Minister, it will have 8,000 data bases and users will be able to consult the online editions of all the world’s main scientific journals.

It was not made clear whether the government intends to spend money on the digitisation of these journals, something which has already been carried out in countries where use of Internet is more extended than it still is in Spain, or whether it plans to take advantage of a consolidated digital collection of scientific journals such as Stanford University’s Highwire Press by way of a strategic agreement.

The Education Minister, Maria Jesus San Segundo, said today that the aim of the new Scientific Digital Library is to double the number of Spanish researchers who have access to electronic collections. According to the Minister, by next Autumn 150,000 researchers and 50,000 university students will be able to use the new facility.

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