Monday, April 10, 2006

Pregnancy and weight

On the third visit to the obstetrician's, now 17 weeks pregnant, I was weighed and told that I had put on 5.5 kilos since my last visit.

I disagreed with the doctor telling her that I had weighed myself that morning and that it wasn't possible. She didn't listen to me and told me that I had to go on a diet straight away! I've read in my pregnancy books that you should never go on a diet when you're pregnant and secondly I felt fine and knew that their records weren't correct. I think I would notice whether I had gained that much or not. Also I think everyone's different. The previous month they had told me that I had lost a kilo (which was also inaccurate) but nothing was said about that and I wasn't asked whether I was following a healthy diet or eating enough.

Another thing is that everytime I am weighed I am fully clothed including shoes so I supose it depends on the weather that day as to what the results will be.

Since then I've been weighing myself at home and keeping a record so that I can monitor my weight gain. So far I seem to be within the correct levels, I've read that weight gain during the whole pregnancy is usually between 10 - 12 kilos.

I wonder what I'll weigh at my next appointment - I suppose it depends on whether I'm wearing summer clothes or winter clothes.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Amniocentesis or Screening

Now it was the time to decide whether to have the amnio test or not. I spoke to several people about this but none of them had done the test. My friends in the UK weren't offered the test even though they were over 35 when they were pregnant. From what I gathered the most usual thing in the UK is to be offered screening tests - the nuchal scan together with a blood test. The difference between a screeening test and a diagnostic test is that a screening test gives an idication whereas a diagnostic test (like amniocentesis) gives you exact results.

My partner spoke to a few of his work colleagues who had had the test. It seems much more common here. They hadn't had any problems but one person knew of a case where a woman had lost the baby afterwards.

In the end I made an appointment for the amniocentesis for two weeks time which would be week 16. However, I worried about it constantly. I didn't really want to do the test but my partner didn't really understand why I was so worried and I had decided to go ahead partly to please him. However I realised that if anything had gone wrong I would've probably blamed him.

In the end I had a blood screening test at a private clinic. Luckily I knew someone who had done this and they gave me the information of where to go. I had the test the same day that I called for an appointment and it cost 123 euros. All it was was a simple blood test. I also saw the clinic's obstretician beforehand.

I got the results 2 days later which came back low risk. It was quite a big relief and I cancelled my amniocentesis appointment. I knew it had been the right thing to do as deep down I had never really wanted to do the other test given the risks it carried, however low (about 1 in 100 women suffer problems or miscarriage as a result of have the amnio test).

My only advice I can give to anyone in a similar situation is to follow your gut instinct. That's what I did and I feel a lot better for it.