Thursday, July 20, 2006

The third scan

I've just got back from a short break in the UK. It was nice to be in a cooler climate. Even though there's a heat wave in Britain at the moment it's nothing compared to here. It's so hot I can't go out and have to stay indoors with the windows closed (the air outside heats up the flat otherwise) and the blinds down. The only way I can cool off is by having frequent cool showers and having the air fan on constantly. When I got back here yesterday evening with my partner the room thermometer read over 30 degrees...and then there's the humidity to cope with too!

Anyway, I went to what I expect to be the last scan before the birth and everything looks fine the baby is a good size and it was exciting to actually see the little person who's constantly wriggling around in my tummy trying to find a comfortable position.

When I was in the UK I ordered a tens machine from Mothercare. It's a small hand held machine which gives gentle impulses into the skin through small pads which are attached to to your back. The impulses are supposed to stimulate the body to release endorphins, the body's own natural pain relieving hormones. Most of my friends who have had children have used one. It was really easy to order over the phone and will be delievered to my UK address 3 weeks before the due date (my mum is going to bring it over for me). I don't think anyone has ever heard of them over here but it's non invasive and totally safe so definitely worth a try.

Another thing I got to help me through the later stages of pregnancy is a special pillow from Mothercare in a wedge shape to help support my bump as it gets bigger and bigger so that I can get more comfortable in bed.

I hope it gets a bit cooler here otherwise another thing I'll need to invest in is a portable air conditioning system to get me through the last weeks.


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