Sunday, October 26

Verbos con el infinitivo y el gerundio

Hay algunos verbos en inglés que se pueden usar con ambos el gerundio y el infinitivo con el mismo significado:

1. Begin - empezar
They began to study German last year.
They began studying german last year.
ambos frases significan - Empezaron a estudiar Alemán el año pasado.

2. Start - empezar
They started to study German last year.
They started studying German last year.
ambos frases significan - Empezaron a estudiar Alemán el año pasado.

3. Continue - continuar /seguir
They continued to study German.
They continued studying German.
ambos frases significan - Seguian estudiando Alemán.

Tambien hay algunos verbos que usan ambos el gerundio o el infinitivo pero con significados diferentes. Estos son:

1. Remember - recordar
Remember to post the letter.
Recuerda enviar la carta.
I remember posting the letter.
Recuerdo que he enviado la carta.

2.Stop - dejar/parar
I stopped talking to her.
Deje de hablar con ella.
I stopped to talk to her.
Deje de hacer algo para hablar con ella.

3. Try - intentar
I tried to contact her.
Intente contactar con ella. (Pero no lo conseguí)
I tried contacting her.
Intente contactar con ella (y lo conseguí)

Monday, October 20

Mas Verbos + infinitivos

En inglés hay que saber cuando usar el verbo con el infinitivo ó con el gerundio. Hay muchas posibilidades y puede aparecer muy dificíl. La mejor forma de usar los verbos correctamente es aprender cuales van con cual.

Abajo hay mas verbos comunes que se usan solo con el infinitivo (con to).

Promise (prometer) ejemplo: I promised to tell the truth.

Seem (parecer) ejemplo: He seemed to be a nice person.

Manage (lograr) ejemplo: We managed to finish writing the book.

Offer (ofrecer) ejemplo: He offered to help in the garden.

Plan (planificar) ejemplo: I am planning to move house next year.

Arrange (acordar/quedar) ejemplo: They arranged to meet next week.

Threaten (amenazar) ejemplo: She threatened to give in her notice.

Afford (permitirse) ejemplo: I can't afford to go on holiday this year.

Wednesday, October 15

Verbos + infinitivos

En inglés hay que saber cuando usar el verbo con el infinitivo ó con el gerundio. Hay muchas posibilidades y puede aparecer muy dificíl. La mejor forma de usar los verbos correctamente es aprender cuales van con cual. Abajo hay una lista de verbos comunes que se usan SOLO con el infinitivo (con to).

Agree (estar de acuerdo) ejemplo: I agreed to do the work.

Appear (parecer) ejemplo: Everything she said appeared to be true.

Choose (elegir) ejemplo: I chose to paint the house white.

Decide (decidir) ejemplo: I decided to cook pasta for dinner.

Expect (esperar) ejemplo: I expect to finish the project on time.

Forget (olvidar) ejemplo: I forgot to turn the television off.

Hope (esperar) ejemplo: I hope to see you soon.

Learn (aprender) ejemplo: He learnt to play the guitar when he was a boy.

Need (necesitar) ejemplo: I need to go to the bank today.

Refuse (rehusar) ejemplo: He refused to listen to his boss.

Monday, October 13

El present perfect - nivel advanzado

Se usa el present perfect en inglés con mucha frecuencia. Para ver informacion sobre como se forma y cuando se usa haga clic aqui (ver - el present perfect 1 y el present perfect 2).

Abajo hay un ejercico para practicar el present perfect a un nivel mas avanzado. Leer las frases y escribelas usando el verbo dado en la forma adecuado (participio pasado) y el present perfect simple.

This room is different. (change)
This room has changed.

Ejercicio - Haga clic aqui para ver las respuestas.

1. I have never been to London before. (visit)
This is the first time .........................................................

2. I can't find my mobile telephone. (lose)

3. I bought this flat 2 years ago. (live)

4. The last time I ate in this restaurant was on your birthday. (eat)

5. It's ages since they visited us. (visit)

6. The garage repaired the car. (fix).
The car.................................................................................

7. We got married 10 years ago. (be)

Thursday, October 9

Lista de Verbos irregulares M - Z

Abajo hay una lista de los verbos irregulares mas comunes con el past simple y el participio pasado desde la letra M hasta Z

Make - made - made (hacer)
Mean - meant - meant (significar)
Meet - met - met (conocer)
Must - had to - had to (deber)
Pay - paid - paid (pagar)
Put - put - put (poner)
Read - read - read (leer) - la pronunciacion en el pasado y el participio cambia
Ride - rode - ridden (montar)
Ring - rang - rung (llamar)
Rise - rose - risen (subir)
Run - ran - run (correr)
Say - said - said (decir)
See - saw - seen (ver)
Sell - sold - sold (vender)
Shake - shook - shaken (agitar)
Shine - shone - shone (brillar)
Show - showed - shown (mostar)
Shut - shut - shut (cerrar)
Sing - sang - sung (cantar)
Sink - sank - sunk (hundir)
Sit - sat - sat (sentarse)
Sleep - slept - slept (dormir)
Speak - spoke - spoken (decir)
Spend - spent - spent (gastar)
Stand - stood - stood (estar de pie)
Steal - stole - stolen (robar)
Swim - swam - swum (nadar)
Take - took - taken (coger/llevar/tomar)
Teach - taught -taught (enseñar)
Tell - told - told (decir)
Think - thought - thought (pensar)
Throw - threw - thrown (tirar)
Understand - understood - understood (entender)
Wake - woke - woken (despertarse)
Wear - wore - worn (llevar ropa)
Win - won - won (ganar)
Write - wrote written (escribir)

Wednesday, October 8

Lista de verbos irregulares A - L

Abajo hay una lista de los verbos irregulares mas comunes y sus pasados (past simple) y sus participios pasados desde la letra A hasta L

Be - was/were - been (ser ó estar)
Become - became - become (llegar a ser)
Begin - began - begun (empezar)
Blow - blew- blown (soplar)
Bring - brought - brought (traer)
Build - built - built (construir)
Buy - bought - bought (comprar)
Can - could - been able (poder)
Catch - caught - caught (coger)
Choose - chose - chosen (elegir)
Come - came - come (venir)
Cost - cost - cost (costar)
Cut - cut - cut (cortar)
Do - did - done (hacer)
Draw -drew - drawn (dibujar)
Drink -drank -drunk (beber)
Drive - drove - driven (conducir)
Eat - ate - eaten (comer)
Fall - fell - fallen (caer)
Feed - fed -fed (alimentar)
Feel - felt - felt (sentir)
Fight - fought - fought (pelear)
Find - found - found (encontrar)
Forget - forgot - forgotten (olvidar)
Get - got - got (coger)
Give - gave - given (dar)
Go - went - gone (ir)
Grow - grew - grown (crecer)
Have - had - had (tener)
Hear - heard - heard (oir)
Hide - hid - hidden (esconder)
Hit - hit - hit (pegar)
Hold - held - held (sostener)
Hurt - hurt - hurt (dañar)
Keep - kept -kept (guardar)
Know - knew - known (saber/conocer)
Lead - led - led (dirigir)
Learn - learnt - learnt (aprender)
Leave - left - left (dejar)
Lend - lent - lent (dejar prestado)
Let - let - let (dejar alguien hacer algo)

Friday, October 3

Verbos fáciles de confundirse entre ellos 2

Abajo hay más verbos que se usa frecuentemente que son fáciles de confundirse entre ellos.

Lose: perder algo
Miss: perder el autobús, tren etc./ echar alguien o algo de menos

I have lost my keys. I don’t know where they are.
I missed the 9 am train to work this morning.

Wear: llevar ropa
Carry: llevar algo en la mano

Today I am wearing jeans and a t-shirt.
I don’t like carrying heavy bags.

Remember: Recordar algo
Remind: Recordar alguien de algo


I remembered to post the letter this morning.
I reminded her to post the letter.

Rob: Robar un sitio
Steal: Robar algo


They robbed the bank at midnight.
They stole thousands of pounds.

Discuss: Hablar de algo
Argue: Discutir


They discussed the different options for the business.
They argued about what the best thing to do was.

Elegir el verbo adecuado para completar las siguientes frases y después haga clic aquí para ver las respuestas.

1. I missed/lost the start of the film because there was a traffic jam.
2. I wore/carried the suitcase to the check in desk.
3. I remembered/reminded him to buy some bread.
4. The thieves robbed/stole a lot of cash from the post office last week.
5. The meeting was arranged to discuss/argue the new business plan.
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