Latest Spanish unemployment figures

According to the results of the Active Population Survey carried out by the National Institute of Statistic (INE) the unemployment rate in Spain at the end of 2010 was 20.3%. Moreover, households with all members unemployed rose 8.8% to 1.3 million.

Unemployment figures rose by 121,900 in the last quarter of 2010 making The total number of people registered as unemployed at the end of last year 4,696,600 which is the highest number ever recorded. According to the figures compiled by the INE unemployment has risen by 370,000 since January 2010.

The number of people with jobs went down by 138,000 while the unemployment rose for those unemployed for over a year by 177,000 personas. Unemployment in the service industry increased while unemployment in agriculture, industry and the construction sector went down. It also went down for first time job hunters.

In the last quarter of 2010 the number of households with all members unemployed rose by 35,000 reaching a total of 1,328,000.

The number of permanent jobs rose by just 7000 while the number of temporary jobs fell by 150,000 which is a fall of 24.8%.

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