Monday, September 04, 2006

Spanish Community presidents

Can a property owner who does not live in their property because they rent it out or use it as a second home can be given the role of Community President?

The problem is that given that they do not live in their property they do not suffer from any of the problems that may arise like noise, problems with the communal pool, rubbish etc…which means that they may not be in a position to take correct decisions regarding such issues


In article 13.2 of the current Shared Property Act it stipulates that any of the property owners can be named President or Administrator whether they live in their property habitually or not. They can either be elected by majority during a community meeting, or be given the role of Community President on a rotary basis or by drawing lots.

The named person has the opportunity to revoke their role within a month justifying why. However a property owner who rents out their flat has every right to take on the role of President or Administrator.


posted by Euroresidentes at 2:01:00 PM


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