Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Spanish leader of the opposition questions climate change

Rajoy says climate change should not be regarded as a world problem

Many Spanish ecological parties have spoken out with indignation after Mariano Rajoy, leader of the PP party, played down the importance of climate change yesterday during a public act when he claimed that it shouldn't be viewed as a world problem. Rajoy was speaking at a conference held in Mallorca. Al Gore speaking at the same conference later on, criticised conservative leaders for being in denial about climate change.

Some organisations said that Rajoy's comments were scandalous while Cristina Narbona, Spain's Environment Minister, said that his ignorance and irresponsible views over one of the most important issues currently facing Spain was very worrying, especially as in theory he could one day be in charge of governing the country.

Narbona demanded that the PP started to take into account all the aspects relating to climate change and said that the comments made by Aznar on the Kyoto Protocol (when he claimed that it would be the death of many Spanish companies) were unfounded. Furthermore she pointed out that many Spanish companies are benefiting economically from the development of renewable energy.

Pablo Cotarelo, who heads Energy and Climate Change for Ecologists in Action said that if Rajoy ever governed Spain he would be ignoring one of the principal problems facing humanity and accused the president of the PP of addressing something of which he knows very little. He added that Rajoy confuses the meteorological forecasts with scientific studies on the climate.

The Spanish spokesperson for Greenpeace said that Rajoy’s comments were outrageous and said that other conservative political leaders such as Angela Merkel in Germany or David Cameron in Britain are conscious of the need to act against climate change which is a problem that has nothing to do with ideologies but with the dramatic reality which we are experiencing.

The ecological organisation WWF- Adena also said that Rajoy’s comments were a step backwards to the years when some people still discussed whether there was any evidence of climate change. He said that this debate was now over given that scientists have been able to demonstrate the reality of climate change of which the effects can be seen throughout the world.
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posted by Euroresidentes at 2:35 PM



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