Monday, May 01, 2006

True love in Spain

"I love Laura but I'll wait until we're married"

Spanish newspaper El Pais today has an article about a video which has just been released in Spain by a group called "Los Happiness" and seems to be a parody of traditional Catholic values. If it is a parody, it is brilliantly done and very very funny. If it isn't a parody of true love in Spain (and the author of the El Pais article is not quite sure), it threatens to endanger the traditional image of macho Spanish Don Juans.

The video is called "Amo a Laura pero esperaré el matrimonio" and contains lines such as "Quisiera besarte pero sin ensuciarte, quisiera abrazarte pero sin dejar de respetarte, Amar es saber esperar...... No voy a arrancar esa flor, quien la destruya no seré yo" (which translated is: "I'd like to kiss you without staining you, I'd like to hug you but without losing respect. To love is to know how to wait.... I won't pick this flower, I won't be the one to destroy it"!!!!!!)

Los Happiness is a group sponsored by the Asociación Nuevo Renacer por una Juventud sin Mácula (Association New Rebirth in favour of Unstained Youth). To see the video just click on the play sign below, wait a few seconds and get ready to squirm.

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posted by Euroresidentes at 11:05 AM



Blogger David said...

Parody from MTV I'm afraid

11:16 PM  

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