Monday, December 27, 2004

Sales of anti-depressives in Spain rise dramatically

According to an article in ABC this morning, the Spanish Health Minister, Elena Salgado, has requested a report from the Spanish Medication Agency to try to explain why sales of anti-depressives in Spain have tripled over the past 10 years. According to the same article, in 1994 7,285,182 packets of anti-depressives were sold to depression sufferes. In 1999 this figure had risen to 14,555,183 packets, and in 2003 no less than 21.238.858 packets of anti-depressives were prescribed under the Spanish National Health system to patients here. Prescriptions of tranquilizers have almost doubled during the same period.

The Health Minister wants a detailed description of the average patients receiving prescriptions for anti-depressives, with details of diagnosis and duration of the treatment.

Less than six months ago, the medical journal JAMA published a study on mental health in Europe which formed part of a global World Health Organisation report on the same theme. Infact the results showed that the number of mentally ill patients in Spain is relatively low compared with other countries. According to the report, 9.2% Spanish population suffers a mental illness, compared to 26.3% in the USA, 18.4% in France and 9.1% in Germany.

The study also found that in Europe 79% sufferers of mental illnesses receive no treatment. Apparantly 14% Europeans will suffer depression at some time their lives, and 16% will suffer anxiety.


Anonymous said...

just get God in yr life and surrender to His Will. And you will recover. God Bless.

4:07 PM  

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